Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Dog's Breakfast

Salad, Cauliflower & Cheese Sauce, Dog's Breakfast!!!

The picture below is before I cooked the casserole.

I call this the Dog's Breakfast because that is what my Mom use to call food all mixed up like this. The good news: it's all in one dish therefore not as many dishes to wash. Clever aren't I???? I'm using up all the turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberries, and mash potatoes. I have layered them in a casserole dish starting with the turkey in the bottom, then sliced up the dressing placing it in the next layer. I poured on the leftover gravy, then added cranberries to the next layer. Finally the mash potatoes to the top. I put into the oven at 350F for 40 minutes.

Also in the picture is the cauliflower and cheese sauce.

There is also a small spinach salad. If you want a single serving of salad dressing, use one tablespoon of olive oil, one tablespoon of lemon or lime juice, put in some salt and pepper, and maybe tarragon, basil or whatever spice you like.
Mix and pour over salad.

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